La Dehesa Golf Course

Single family dwelling

A 1365 m2 garden located in Aljaraque (Huelva). This garden is situated in a residential area of large homes attached to the golf course, conforming one of the most exclusive zones in Huelva; La Dehesa golf course.

The owners wished to turn the existing garden by 180 degrees and we presented them with several solutions.

An area was levelled with Portuguese stone to the height of the house to install a new pool with a spa, that would be our new focus. Adjacent to this, a solarium and a shrine, which are both circular.

In regards to the vegetation, it was decided to plant a large area of lawn and species in a tropical style. Palm trees of different types: Washingtonia robusta, Phoenix roebelenii, Rhapis excels, Livistona australis, and a large Yucca elephantipes.

Juan José Fernández - Jardinería y Paisajismo - Huelva